Diversify with a Laser Cutter
Diversification is a hot topic among woodworkers. As with any industry, there will be changing trends and evolving technology to meet the demands of your customers. Acquiring a laser cutting and engraving machine can help diversify many aspects of your current business. (Or even, help you start a new one!) Today we’re sharing five areas where a laser machine can help your business increase profits and customer satisfaction while making you stand out from your competitors.
Add to Your Service Offerings with a Laser Cutter
Excite your clients, new and old, with personalized laser engraving and cutting services. Personalization is a hot market trend that shows no signs of slowing down. Strengthen your relationship with your clients and discourage them from looking elsewhere to have their needs met when you can offer what they want. Items like cutting boards, children’s toys, home decor, furniture all go WAY up in value with a personalized laser engraving is added.
Diversify your Material Offerings with a Laser Cutter
Although your material of choice is more than likely wood, expanding your material offerings is a significant step to diversifying. The same machine that can cut and engrave wood can also cut and engrave acrylic, leather, and dozens other materials. If you can operate a laser cutting machine, it is only a matter of changing a few settings when you move from wood to a different material. See a few of the materials that can be cut or engraved with AP Lazer here.
Increase your Product Line with a Laser Cutter
Due to its accuracy and precision, a laser cutting machine makes it possible to offer a whole range of wooden products you haven’t yet been able to offer. A laser can cut to a thousandth of an inch, making intricate cuts as easy as pie. Think about all of the low cost, high profit items you can offer!
Pivot as Demands Change with a Laser Cutter
If demand for one side of your business begins to dry up, having something to fall back on means you can pivot your business’ focus to different markets and stay afloat. With a laser cutting machine, you can quickly move from one material or product to the next with little downtime and virtually no learning curve.
Improve Your Bottom Line with a Laser Cutter
With accuracy you won’t find with any other equipment and functions similar to a printer, a laser engraving machine will stream line your processes. Cut and engrave simultaneously in a matter of minutes. Since the wood is incinerated by the laser beam, clean up is a breeze.
Get into High Profit Markets with a Laser Cutter
Especially our laser! With an open architecture design, rest assured you can tackle any job. From huge signage, (wood, acrylic and even granite) to custom engravings on furniture pieces, AP Lazer can do what other “boxed-up” laser machines can’t. A larger machine ultimately means more significant profit capabilities, and we promise to deliver that!
Whether you want to diversify your business by adding products, services, new customers and markets to your company’s offerings, a laser cutter will help achieve those goals. Can you think of any other piece of equipment that has that capability? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!