Public and private school systems, college and university, and adult education students benefit from utilizing curriculum integrating AP Lazer machines. AP Lazer encourages innovation while creating a stimulating real-life opportunity to learn the physics of CO2 laser, 3 axis motion, and advanced computer software. Students learn 2D to 3D art and design skills; science, technology, mathematics, art, and engineering as they create, collaborate and problem solve.
Steve Shannon, Instructor, John D. Rockefeller IV Career Center
“Not only are [the students] intrigued by how it works, but they also realize the many opportunities that a laser machine opens for them out in the world. Some of them see it and immediately think of how to start a small business using it, while some see it as a useful tool for existing enterprises.”
George Danford, Career Center Director
“The number of things we could find to use this machine for are countless! There isn’t a program offered today which hasn’t been changed with the incorporation of technology. This is why we selected a laser engraving system, and it has definitely improved our curriculum.”